There are some minor enemies for Zootopia be found. Plan accordingly.
Reference accident that occurred in Disney's Zootopia, part of our great Godfather send by way of running an organized crime rodent. If you're keeping score big as Shrew Arctic and with good reason, that particular animal was chosen to be the mayor of the crowd: They're incredibly vicious predators.
If you see any crowd in the history of film types, they tend to have one thing in common: incredible level of violence. If you want to become the head of organized crime, you must be willing to kill anyone who stands in your way. As president Zootopia Rich Moore told us at the question and answer event in St. Louis, that's what the Arctic will Shrew. It will kill the Shrew else if it's there, and it will do worse than that. He said:
We chose the Shrew, because, through our research we did, we found that the Shrew Arctic, which is the most deadly predator on earth. It is a fact that small Shrew little need to eat three times their body weight to survive. This means that if you put four Shrew in a bucket tonight when you get home if you've covered bucket that you come back in the morning, you'll find Shrew fat. So find Shrew four on the way home tonight, get a bucket, you'll love what you find in the morning.
Wow, what just took a very dark turn, though, we must agree that Rich Moore's reasoning makes sense. Animals are willing to kill and cannibalize, others of their own kind will surely gain the respect of other mammals. Who wants to mess with anybody willing to do that? Fortunately, Zootopia not goes away. Although, to be appropriate based on what happened, Nick Wilde lucky he got out with his hair attached.
This is a great example of the work that producers put in Zootopia not only a great story but also one full of character. Zootopia just the biggest match in the history of Disney's motion, and the type of film that the whole family can participate, there is an opportunity to add to that total significantly next several weeks.
What do you think? Does his back now add a new level of fear to the character?